Our programs
Our model has been developed with a holistic and systematic focus, that is to say, that it contemplates all these physical, mental, emotional, social, family and cultural elements, that encompass a human being and his/her development. All these elements are part of a system, that in an integral way, little by little, forms each child´s education. That is why we have named our Education Model: A Model of Integral Development.
Our Model of Integral Development is designed to start propitiating in our children and adolescents, a balanced growth in these four areas of human development. The model seeks to constantly monitor the internal and external factors that influence the development of the children and the adolescents. In order to be able to achieve this, we follow up on each one of our beneficiaries, through our “Integral Plan of Action” that is carried out simultaneously and continuously for each one of them.
It is a work tool which we can use to evaluate the Integral Development process that we attain, step by step, in our beneficiaries.
Human Development consists of stages, principles and foundations, that make it a complex but wonderful process. The result that we seek, is to achieve an integrated individual with a good balance in each of the four areas: physical, cognitive, emotional and social. In order to attain this objective, we use different strategies and educational tools, and it consists of the following programs:

In this program we receive admittance requests channeled through the DIF or by recommendation by the users, carrying out a social investigation in order to evaluate that they meet the admittance profile and medical, psychological and nutritional evaluations are carried out for the admittance candidate.

This program secures a healthy and balanced diet, a home and the portion of the elements that have to do with their physical development. The children and the adolescents receive general internal medical care and from different external specialists, as well as treatments and medications according to their specific needs. We offer them the sports and Taekwondo Workshops; we provide them with a nutritional follow-up and Nutritional Education Workshops.

The schooling in regular schools is secured and we offer homework counseling through the personalized accompaniment of the educators. We offer the Mathematics Workshop for the children and the adolescents from primary, secondary and preparatory levels. We also offer, Special Education Therapy for the children with learning problems and who have a greater educational gap, as well as the Computer Science Workshop for the adolescents.

We provide “Special Time” therapy (individual therapy to work with the attachment insecure children have) seeking to develop positive affection links. They are given cyclically: Sexuality Workshops, about preventing violence and sexual abuse; and the Addiction Prevention Workshop. The children and the adolescents, who are detected as survivors of sexual abuse, receive Sexual Abuse Therapy; we also teach a Sustainable Agriculture Workshop.

Directed daily recreational activities are carried out with the children and the adolescents, such as integration summer camps, as well as cultural and recreational visits.

Its objective is to share the Institutional tools and those of the Integral Development Model with other organizations, in order to contribute to the professionalization of the care for vulnerable groups focusing on their rights and a culture of good manners.

The volunteers, as well as those who are doing social service are important for the Institution, because their support helps the sustainability of the Home.

The fundamental objective is to offer the children and the adolescents an INTEGRAL formation, fomenting that their family nucleus develops the necessary tools for them to achieve the successful integration of their children. We directly attend the families of the beneficiaries, working through diverse strategies: we offer them family accompaniment therapy, “a school for families”, therapy for mothers who we detect that they use drugs, support for the mothers through the Adult Education program IEEA, legal counseling, as well as groceries and medicine. The exercise of these strategies has the objective of attaining, in the future, the functionality of the family for the healthy reintegration of the children and the adolescents into the heart of the family.

The program’s objective is to promote Edu-formative strategies in order to attain the self-sufficiency of the adolescents of the Albergue and impact their successful reinsertion into society. The program strengthens the Integral Development Model (MODI) and helps the adolescents with their graduation process and the graduates, so that they develop abilities so that they can productively incorporate into society.